How Spinning Classes Are Structured?

Spinning classes really hit the exercise scene hard back in the late 90’s and continue to do so today. Basically a spinning class consists of a group of 20 fitness enthusiasts plus an instructor who rock to the beat of loud techno music. This takes place indoors, in a room with dim lights, where each participant rides a specially designed stationary bike and follows the instructor’s cues. Music is really important here because it’s meant to explode your senses and motivation to the max, as well as to getting you in a hyped up exercising rhythm.

People love this innovative way of working out because they get to meet people with similar fitness goals in a class like this. Everyone can share their experience and motivate each other to a pleasurable and healthy experience. Spinning is all about motivation and intensity. Although you don’t have to kill yourself in these workouts it’s always cheered upon if you exert your maximum effort. And it’s hard not to with a crazy instructor that yells enthusiastic instructions while a contagious and loud beat fills the room. It’s important that the music played during a spinning class is music you like. If you don’t like it then you’re probably missing half the magic of spinning and it’s recommended you find an instructor who best fits your personal style.

Check out the difference between a spinning bike and an exercise bike. What’s the difference between a spinning bike and an exercise bike? The difference is that while the spinning bike tries to bring all the benefits of outdoor cycling indoors, the exercise bike tries to maximize the act of training indoors. With a spinning bike you can best simulate what it is to road bike, with an exercise bike you don’t care whether you’re exercising indoors or outdoors, you just want to be able to reap the benefits of training indoors. So what would be the benefits of training indoors? Well, you can watch some TV, you can see your stats real time on a display monitor and can stay motivated with preprogrammed bike workouts.

Spinning bikes take another spin. You aren’t really concerned about knowing your stats, and less about watching TV. You want the nearest experience to be actually riding outside. You want an upright bike that looks just like the real thing. In fact, if you take a look at both an exercise bike and a spin bike picture you can immediately tell the difference.The exercise bike is
more about comfort and convenience; the spinning cycle has to more about maximum performance and durability. It’s hard to look at a spinning bike and not think about it as a machine that will just zoom out of its fixated base. It’s hard to look at an exercise bike and not think about it as a futuristic device that has a life of its own.